Estate Planning

Patient, Experienced Guides To an Effective Estate Plan

Our trust and estate attorneys carefully and patiently guide you through the planning process, resulting in an effective estate plan that reflects your unique situation and objectives, minimizes your estate tax liability, and honors your wishes concerning the ultimate control and ownership of your assets.

Estate Planning Options

Every family, every estate situation, and the goals of every person are unique. No generic, "cookie cutter" approach to estate planning can truly respect your unique qualities and circumstances, and we approach every estate planning engagement with a determination to prepare a plan that is a true reflection of the person or family we are assisting.

You will appreciate our experience, skill and, perhaps most of all, our ability to help you recognize your options and articulate your true wishes with respect to how your estate will be handled and your assets distributed after you are finished with them. You can look to Ann Schrooten or Denis Fitzgibbons to recommend the right mix of estate planning tools for your situation, including:

  • Will
  • Revocable living trust
  • Irrevocable trust
  • Special needs trusts
  • Medical and durable powers of attorney
  • Advance directives and medical directives
  • Living will

Value-Based Fees

You can achieve an effective estate plan for a much lower cost than you might expect:

Estate Planning Fee Schedule Single Married/Joint
Last Will and Testament plus Financial and Health Care Powers of Attorney (POAs) $975* $1,360*
Trust plus Last Will and Testament plus Financial and Health Care POAs*** $1,745* $2,130*
Beneficiary Deed $400**
Beneficiary Deed if included with other estate planning documents $180*

* Does not include recording fees, if any, charged by the County Recorder; recording of POAs is optional

** Includes recording fee

*** Additional trust-related services, if any, are billed at the normal hourly rates for the attorney or paralegal providing such services.

Ann Schrooten on Estate Planning

Request an Appointment - by Phone or Email

Fitzgibbons Law Offices
1115 E. Cottonwood Ln., Suite 150
Casa Grande, AZ 85122

Fitzgibbons Law Offices
1115 E. Cottonwood Ln., Suite 150
Casa Grande, AZ 85122


SEND US AN APPOINTMENT REQUEST. Please note that sending an email to Fitzgibbons Law Offices or any of its attorneys or staff does not create an attorney-client relationship, and communications from non-clients are not subject to attorney-client privilege.

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Estate Planning articles

Couple at sunset
By Denis Fitzgibbons May 20, 2022
A review of your will, trust and ownership documents can help ensure that your wishes are honored regarding the ownership of your pre-move assets and any assets you acquired after moving to Arizona.
Ann Schrooten
By Ann Schrooten February 11, 2021
Estate planning is a complicated process, and every estate plan has unique features. Many of the common estate planning missteps we see, if not caught and corrected, can lead to unintended and expensive consequences. The good news: With the help of an experienced estate planning attorney, these mistakes can be avoided.
Ann Schrooten
By Ann Schrooten February 5, 2020
The SECURE Act puts into place numerous provisions intended to strengthen retirement security and make saving for retirement easier and more accessible for many Americans.
Ann Schrooten
By Ann Schrooten December 2, 2016
If you die without a Will, it’s possible – but not likely – that your estate assets will be transferred to the State of Arizona.
Ann Schrooten
By Ann Schrooten November 11, 2015
For owners of real property in Arizona, a Beneficiary Deed is a popular and simple way to transfer property at death without subjecting the transfer to probate.
Ann Schrooten
By Ann Schrooten April 17, 2015
Advance Directives allow others to follow your directions regarding your health care and include a Health Care Power of Attorney and a Living Will.
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